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Presentation and Survey Result

Here is a presentation of the plan for my NPO. It also has a survey result.
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How should we deal with PC?

  Jonathan Kay said there are three solutions to the extreme political correction; try not to medicalize it, try to resist, and voice your community.  Trying not to assign psychic pain or discomfort to people who disagrees to you. Maybe he was just trying to say different opinions and didn't mean to hurt you. Try to examine it before accusing someone.  Resisting to political correctness is important, but sometimes you need to keep your position in the group you are in. If so, you have to submit to politically correct regimes. However, try to destroy the premise of the person who tries to shut you up using PC.  Voicing the community, regardless of whether you are offended or not is the most important of all. If you see something is criticized, being said that it is racist, and you thought it was not, say it out loud. We have to protect our market place of ideas from the social justice warriors.   Lauren Graham insist that these days who are "politically correct" are being

Is being equal a good thing?/Is being different a good thing?

  As I said, diversity is important. It will make your perspectives and life experience richer, less discrimination in the world and many more benefits.  However, us humans liked discrimination. That is because of our instinct, we needed make that decision in order to live back in the old days. The nature of discrimination has been with us until now, and that is why bullying and racism occurs.   All of us know that discrimination isn't a good thing. Being equal to all kinds of people is important, but doing that too much is different. Dragging somebody down from a position of power to make it "equal" is too extreme.   As I said, being too radical and extreme is not "correct". See it from the both perspectives and then think how we can solve the problem.

Which is important; quality or diversity?/Is being historically accurate offensive to some people?/Is putting race and sexism into every discussion, media and art is "politically correct"?

  In my personal opinion, both of them are very important. Recently, the video game industry has become more diverse than ever. Not only the women's social progress, people from all over the country has been supporting video game industry.   Games that has many characters such as Apex Legends and Overwatch, all of them are from different country, has different sex, religions and it is very diverse. Of course the diversity in gaming is a good thing, but not everything is good.  A good example is Witcher 3 incident. The game was criticized because all the character in the game was white. However, the Witcher 3 is set in Poland, created by Polish man and it is based on Polish mythology and European Folklore. So criticizing that there is no Black or Asian character in Witcher is an mistake because that is the culture and the demographic in the game. You don't have to put colored skinned character in the game if it doesn't make sense. Putting race and sexism into every game even

What is "Gamergate"?

  The Gamergate controversy is an online harassment campaign, primarily conducted through the use of the hashtag #GamerGate, that centered on issues of sexism and anti-progressivism in video game culture such as harassment campaigns targeting game developers ZoĆ« Quinn and Brianna Wu, as well as Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist critic.  During the Gamergate controversy the term "Social Justice Warriors" gained a negative connotations. Wikipedia contributors. (2021c, July 11). Gamergate controversy. Wikipedia.

Are people who are against PC being too radical?/Are people who are against PC using PC as a tool to criticize what they didn't like?

  Anita Sarkeesian's "The Tropes vs Women project" triggered a campaign of sexist harassment against Sarkeesian that included rape and death threats, hacking of her webpages and social media. Attackers posted comments online, vandalized Sarkeesian's article on Wikipedia with racial slurs and sexual images, and sent Sarkeesian drawings of herself being raped by video game characters. They even made a game called "Beat Up Anita Sarkeesian", a game to beat up Sarkeesian by clicking a mouse.  Anyone can see that this is too much and this is one reason why political correctness is a controversial topic. Both sides are extreme and radical.   There is also an argument that being politically correct prevents freedom of speech, but is that true? Freedom of speech gives a person the right to say what they want, but it also gives other people the right to point out if they are being offensive. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean your words can’t be criticized. Wikipedia con

Should we ban things if it weren't "politically correct?"/Are people who are for PC being too radical?/Are people who are for PC using PC as a tool to criticize what they didn't like?

  When people who uses political correctness as a weapon to criticizing talk, they don’t want to talk with you, but they want to talk "at" you. You’re supposed to shut up, listen and believe because they think that their belief is the only right theory in the world and everything else is "politically incorrect". If talking with one SWJ, we can handle that. However if there's many of them and criticizing ones work, what we should do is resist and voice your community whether if you are offended or not.   We have to resist and shout out to tell that what they are doing is wrong. We have to protect our work from those who are trying to destroy them.  Boghossian, P., & Lindsay, J. (2019b, October 12). Social-Justice Warriors Won’t Listen, but You Should. WSJ. Political Correctness Works For No One | Jonathan Kay | TEDxUTSC. (2019, September 16). YouTube. https://www.youtu